أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. STEPHANIE DEARDEN (Parent Governor Representative, Wandsworth Education O&S Committee) London SW17 From Mr Simon Glossop Sir, Our brave experiment into liberalism has gone too far.
2. For example, "M" and "m" invert to "W" or "w"; "d" inverts to "p"; "H," "I," "N," "O," "S," "X," and "Z" are the same right side up and upside down.
3. A l m o s t half the women said they would be happy to go on holiday alone, while one in four would confidently go to a party full of strangers.
4. QUESTION:  Alex Rondos, R–o–n–d–o–s, was seen yesterday at the UN accompanying the Under Secretary Nicholas Burns and Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried prior to the meeting with the Greek Foreign Minister. I‘m wondering under which capacity Mr.
5. The letters a e i e x t o s t p s a c g r e a m q w f k a d p m q z v in italics are then in that order scattered over the next eight pages.